By Minowa M.
It’s okay if you’re still confused about your gender.
It’s okay if you didn’t realize you were trans until adulthood.
It’s okay if you choose to change what you identify as.
It’s okay if trauma influenced your identity.
It’s okay if you don’t prioritize your gender.
You’re Enough!
Your Gender Isn’t Up for Debate.
You’re beautiful in your trans body.
I’m glad you’re here right now.
I’m glad we haven’t lost you like we lost the others.
We miss you, Dana Martin.
We miss you, Michelle Tamika Washington.
We miss you, Paris Cameron.
We miss you, Serena Angelique Velázquez and Layla Pelaez.
It hurts to know that we’re still being killed.
To anyone who is questioning their identity,
No matter what you decide,
You are Enough.
This community accepts you.
I just hope the rest of the world comes around soon.