By Krysten Cherkaski, Donor Engagement Manager
Your support in 2023 made the Youth Freedom Fund possible. This Give OUT Day, your generosity will continue to fuel the trans, queer, and Two-Spirit youth-led movement.
GSA clubs are spaces wherein trans and queer young people find safety, community, and freedom. When the Youth Freedom Fund was created, it was done so with the hope of resourcing these vital hubs, allowing trans and queer youth to kickstart projects that could impact their schools and communities. Since its inception in June 2023, the Youth Freedom Fund has funded 36 GSAs from 20 states, including Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Nebraska, Texas, Wisconsin, and more. The impact has been tangible, allowing trans and queer youth in conservative communities to resist the harmful impacts of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and legislation. A current GSA Club president in Florida had this to say about the impact receiving a Youth Freedom Fund minigrant had on their club:
“Receiving the GSA Network Youth Freedom Fund enabled our club to secure funding for trips, marketing, and innovative activities. Particularly in Florida, ensuring the comfort of allies and LGBTQ+ members in our GSA posed a persistent challenge amid prevalent harmful rhetoric and institutional restrictions. The grant empowered us to foster a secure environment for collaborative discussion on queer issues. Our funding prioritized marketing and initiatives for the 2024-2025 school year, including a sticker business in partnership with our Graphic Design Academy to sustain club finances and promote support.
Furthermore, it facilitated our club’s marketing as an inclusive space through pins and complimentary refreshments during meetings. The GSAN Freedom Fund has significantly increased our club’s growth, alleviating the financial strain of launching new projects. It has played a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility and fostering a sense of comfort within our club.”
The purpose of the Youth Freedom Fund has always been to resource clubs and continue to expand its impact, particularly for rural communities or those more harshly impacted by anti-LGBTQ legislation. Throughout April, GSA Network will be partnering with Freedom Oklahoma to respond to the needs of trans and queer youth in Oklahoma in the wake of Nex Benedict’s unjust passing. As a result of the generosity of our supporters, we will be able to fund up to 12 GSA clubs throughout the state of Oklahoma to support the growth of clubs throughout the state and support vital projects lead by trans and queer youth.